RYLA Camp Craiova

The 4th RYLA Leadership Camp are dedicated to young Rotaract / Interact members from Romania, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria and is base on the CFC Twinning "Culture - Friendship - Cooperation", created in 2010.
Please find some news about the RYLA Leadership Camp, Craiova, Romania, 4-7 August 2015.
Venue: Hotel Lido Craiova - http://www.lido-craiova.ro/
Address: Str. Constantin Brancusi, nr. 10 Craiova, Dolj, 200000, Romania
Tel: +40 (0) 251 590332 ;
Mobil: +40 (0) 761 344028
Fax: +40 (0) 251 590332
E-mail: office@lido-craiova.ro
We kind recommande the same Hotel for the perssons that will accompane the youngs.
Please find attached the Agenda Ryla Camp and the List of Participants. Please check and up-grade if neccesary.
More about the RYLA 2014 on the Youtube chanel RC Craiova at: http://m.youtube.com/channel/
or on the web site: http://rylsc.rotarycraiova.ro/ .
It is a great oportunity to discuss and analyse common proposal projects, to see each others and share best practices, to discuss cooperation on next twinning events and to click glasses of wine.
More about Craiova:
- Craiova, European Capital of Culture 2021 - http://www.craiovaculturala.
ro/en/ - Craiova - https://youtu.be/DCX8Ilunt4M
- Craiova city: https://youtu.be/JhE7aWHpsJQ
- Craiova: https://youtu.be/iGNNzo4Xfdc
- Romanescu park (the 3-rd natural park in Europe): https://youtu.be/eh04d-XyXyY
- The Park of the Youngs: https://youtu.be/nvvVRuN7y3g
- Fontains of Craiova: https://youtu.be/CdwTFriqRQs
- Wolking in Craiova:https://youtu.be/
LR5d5cquTPU - The old Craiova: https://youtu.be/qbN7wNEJQaw
- Craiova Rollers: https://youtu.be/oIGhlPOs6t4
- Craiova Rollers-2: https://youtu.be/PEueeWokQdQ
- Happy in Craiova: https://youtu.be/IL2be86hL-o