Forumul femeilor din Rotary
20 Mar 2015 |
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In your quality of Rotary Leader we have the pleasure to invite you as a speaker at the Zone 19 International Conference “Ladies leadership Lights up Rotary” which will take place in Bucharest, Romania - D2241, in March 20-22, 2015.
In order to elaborate a harmonized program please choose a topic from one of the following fields:
1. Membership – diversity by gender: Gender in Zone X: figures, trends, perspectives and Clubs without women: attitudes
2. Rotarian women & vocational service: Women occupations dedicated to/in Rotary and Rotarian vocations in programs & projects
3. Successful women leadership levels in Rotary: from Club President to RID
Full conference package: 175 EUR
Welcome cocktail (20.03.2015 - 19:30): 30 EUR
Conference only (21.03.2015): 70 EUR
"Save a child's heart" Ball (21.03.2015 - 19:30): 75 EUR
Payment accounts:
RON: RO14BTRL01301205M6501800 - Banca Transilvania (se va calcula la cursul bnr din ziua efectuarii platii)
EURO: RO88BTRL01304205M65018XX - Banca Transilvania